Using the framebuffer device under Linux

by Karsten Scheibler

Remark (a):
Save this page as fb.html and use the following command to extract the source code with a sample Makefile:
sh -c "( mkdir fb && cd fb && awk '/^<!--eof/{d=0}{if(d)print>f}/^<!--sof/{f=\$2;d=1}' ) < fb.html"
Remark (b):
Some browsers try to be super smart and reformat the html code so you may have trouble to extract the files. This is the right time to learn more about wget, a tool to download files via http or ftp ;-)
Remark (c):
Some versions of nasm are known to generate broken code. I have used nasm-0.98 for this example which worked for me.

This is a short explanation, how you can use the linux framebuffer device in assembler language. If you find mistakes or have suggestions, mail me.


Nearly all of the %assign's and struc's listed here can be found in the kernel source in C syntax.

short procedure for using the fb device:

  1. tell the kernel that we switch to graphics mode via KD_GRAPHICS
  2. open the device with sys_open
  3. determine screen parameters via sys_ioctl
  4. map the device to the memory of your process via sys_mmap
  5. use the pointer given back from mmap as base address of the framebuffer and draw what you like

If you want to enable virtual terminal switching in this example, look at the vt example code

If you use color depths less or equal than 8 bpp you have to set a color palette in order to see that what you draw (default: first 16 colors are set to the normal terminal ANSI colors, the rest should be black). Linux uses 16 bit for every color component (red, green, blue, transparent).

In this example we use STDIN as file descriptor for sys_ioctl. This is ok as long as nobody redirects it to a file or pipe. If you want that the program even works in this cases: open /dev/tty and use that file descriptor instead.


;* written by Karsten Scheibler, 2003-DEC-08

global fb_start

;look at the vt example code for more
%ifdef USE_VT
%include "vt.n"
%endif ;USE_VT

;* some assign's
%assign SYS_READ			3
%assign SYS_OPEN			5
%assign SYS_IOCTL			54
%assign SYS_MMAP			90

%assign PROT_READ			1
%assign PROT_WRITE			2

%assign MAP_SHARED			1

%assign STDIN				0
%assign STDERR				2

%assign O_RDWR				2

%assign FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO		0x00004600
%assign FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO		0x00004601
%assign FBIOGETCMAP			0x00004604
%assign FBIOPUTCMAP			0x00004605
%assign KDSETMODE			0x00004b3a
%assign KDGETMODE			0x00004b3b

%assign KD_TEXT				0
%assign KD_GRAPHICS			1

					struc	tcmap
					alignb	4
tcmap_offset:				resd	1
tcmap_length:				resd	1
tcmap_red:				resd	1
tcmap_green:				resd	1
tcmap_blue:				resd	1
tcmap_transparent:			resd	1

					struc	tscreen
					alignb	4
tscreen_x_resolution:			resd	1
tscreen_y_resolution:			resd	1
tscreen_virtual_x_resolution:		resd	1
tscreen_virtual_y_resolution:		resd	1
tscreen_x_offset:			resd	1
tscreen_y_offset:			resd	1
tscreen_bits_per_pixel:			resd	1
tscreen_grayscale:			resd	1
tscreen_red_offset:			resd	1
tscreen_red_length:			resd	1
tscreen_red_msb_right:			resd	1
tscreen_green_offset:			resd	1
tscreen_green_length:			resd	1
tscreen_green_msb_right:		resd	1
tscreen_blue_offset:			resd	1
tscreen_blue_length:			resd	1
tscreen_blue_msb_right:			resd	1
tscreen_transparent_offset:		resd	1
tscreen_transparent_length:		resd	1
tscreen_transparent_msb_right:		resd	1
tscreen_non_standard_format:		resd	1
tscreen_activate:			resd	1
tscreen_height:				resd	1
tscreen_width:				resd	1
tscreen_acceleration_flags:		resd	1
tscreen_pixel_clock:			resd	1
tscreen_left_margin:			resd	1
tscreen_right_margin:			resd	1
tscreen_upper_margin:			resd	1
tscreen_lower_margin:			resd	1
tscreen_hsync_length:			resd	1
tscreen_vsync_length:			resd	1
tscreen_sync:				resd	1
tscreen_vmode:				resd	1
tscreen_reserved:			resd	6

%assign FB_KDMODE_SAVED			0x00000001
%assign FB_SCREENINFO_SAVED		0x00000002
%assign FB_COLORMAP_SAVED		0x00000004

;* data
section .data
					align	4
fb_state:				dd	0
fb_handle:				dd	0
fb_address:				dd	0
fb_kdmode:				dd	0
colormap_saved:				istruc tcmap
					at tcmap_offset,	dd 0
					at tcmap_length,	dd 256
					at tcmap_red,		dd red_saved
					at tcmap_green,		dd green_saved
					at tcmap_blue,		dd blue_saved
					at tcmap_transparent,	dd transparent_saved
colormap_data:				istruc tcmap
					at tcmap_offset,	dd 0
					at tcmap_length,	dd 256
					at tcmap_red,		dd grey_scale
					at tcmap_green,		dd grey_scale
					at tcmap_blue,		dd grey_scale
					at tcmap_transparent,	dd transparent_saved

section .bss
					alignb	4
screeninfo_saved:			resb	tscreen_size
screeninfo_data:			resb	tscreen_size
grey_scale:				resw	256
red_saved:				resw	256
green_saved:				resw	256
blue_saved:				resw	256
transparent_saved:			resw	256

;* fb_start
section .text

	mov	dword eax, SYS_IOCTL
	mov	dword ebx, STDIN
	mov	dword ecx, KDGETMODE
	mov	dword edx, fb_kdmode
	int	byte  0x80
	test	dword eax, eax
	js	near  fb_error
	or	dword [fb_state], FB_KDMODE_SAVED

	;tell kernel that we switch to graphics mode.
	;this means the kernel won't do things that may change the video ram
	;(vt switching, vt blanking, cursor, mouse cursor [gpm])

	mov	dword eax, SYS_IOCTL
	mov	dword ebx, STDIN
	mov	dword ecx, KDSETMODE
	mov	dword edx, KD_GRAPHICS
	int	byte  0x80
	test	dword eax, eax
	js	near  fb_error


	mov	dword eax, SYS_OPEN
	mov	dword ebx, .device
	mov	dword ecx, O_RDWR
	int	byte  0x80
	test	dword eax, eax
	js	near  fb_error
	mov	dword [fb_handle], eax

	;get screen parameters

	mov	dword ebx, eax
	mov	dword eax, SYS_IOCTL
	mov	dword edx, screeninfo_saved
	int	byte  0x80
	test	dword eax, eax
	js	near  fb_error
	xor	dword eax, eax
	mov	dword [screeninfo_saved + tscreen_x_offset], eax
	mov	dword [screeninfo_saved + tscreen_y_offset], eax
	mov	dword esi, screeninfo_saved
	mov	dword edi, screeninfo_data
	mov	dword ecx, (tscreen_size / 4)
	rep movsd
	or	dword  [fb_state], FB_SCREENINFO_SAVED

	;get current colormap

	mov	dword eax, SYS_IOCTL
	mov	dword ebx, [fb_handle]
	mov	dword ecx, FBIOGETCMAP
	mov	dword edx, colormap_saved
	int	byte  0x80
	test	dword eax, eax
	js	short .no_colormap_saved
	or	dword [fb_state], FB_COLORMAP_SAVED

	;set screen parameters

	mov	dword eax, [screeninfo_data + tscreen_x_resolution]
	mov	dword ebx, [screeninfo_data + tscreen_y_resolution]
	mov	dword ecx, 8
	mov	dword [screeninfo_data + tscreen_virtual_x_resolution], eax
	mov	dword [screeninfo_data + tscreen_virtual_y_resolution], ebx
	mov	dword [screeninfo_data + tscreen_bits_per_pixel], ecx
	mov	dword eax, SYS_IOCTL
	mov	dword ebx, [fb_handle]
	mov	dword edx, screeninfo_data
	int	byte  0x80
	test	dword eax, eax
	js	near  fb_error
	cmp	dword [screeninfo_data + tscreen_bits_per_pixel], 8
	jne	near  fb_error

	;set colormap

	mov	dword eax, 0x01000000
	xor	dword ebx, ebx
	mov	dword [grey_scale + 4 * ebx], eax
	add	dword eax, 0x02000200
	inc	dword ebx
	cmp	dword ebx, byte 127
	jbe	short .set_grey
	mov	dword eax, SYS_IOCTL
	mov	dword ebx, [fb_handle]
	mov	dword ecx, FBIOPUTCMAP
	mov	dword edx, colormap_data
	int	byte  0x80


	mov	dword eax, [screeninfo_data + tscreen_y_resolution]
	mul	dword [screeninfo_data + tscreen_virtual_x_resolution]
	xor	dword ebx, ebx
	push	dword ebx
	push	dword [fb_handle]
	push	dword MAP_SHARED
	push	dword (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE)
	push	dword eax
	push	dword ebx
	mov	dword eax, SYS_MMAP
	mov	dword ebx, esp
	int	byte  0x80
	add	dword esp, byte 24
	test	dword eax, eax
	jz	near  fb_error
	mov	dword [fb_address], eax

	;"press enter to exit" ...

%ifndef USE_VT
	call	near  fb_draw
	push	dword eax
	mov	dword eax, SYS_READ
	mov	dword ebx, STDIN
	mov	dword ecx, esp
	mov	dword edx, 1
	int	byte  0x80
	add	dword esp, byte 4
	jmp	near  fb_end
%else ;USE_VT
	mov	dword eax, fb_end
	mov	dword ebx, fb_error
	call	near  vt_init


	call	near  fb_draw
	call	near  vt_check_keypress
	cmp	dword eax, byte 1
	je	near  fb_end
	call	near  vt_check_release
	test	dword eax, eax
	js	short .keypress1
	call	near  vt_commit_release
	test	dword eax, eax
	js	short .keypress1
	call	near  vt_check_keypress	;vt is not active => no keypress
					;possible, we simply use select to
					;wait here
	call	near  vt_check_acquire
	test	dword eax, eax
	js	short .keypress2
	jmp	short .loop
%endif ;USE_VT

.device:				db	"/dev/fb0", 0

;* fb_draw
section .text
	mov	dword edi, [fb_address]
	mov	dword ebp, [screeninfo_data + tscreen_virtual_x_resolution]
	sub	dword ebp, [screeninfo_data + tscreen_x_resolution]
	mov	dword ebx, [screeninfo_data + tscreen_y_resolution]
	mov	dword eax, ebx
	mov	dword ecx, [screeninfo_data + tscreen_x_resolution]
	inc	dword eax
	dec	dword ecx
	jnz	short .draw_pixel
	add	dword edi, ebp
	dec	dword ebx
	jnz	short .draw_line

;* fb_restore
section .text
	test	dword [fb_state], FB_SCREENINFO_SAVED
	jz	short .skip_screeninfo
	mov	dword eax, SYS_IOCTL
	mov	dword ebx, [fb_handle]
	mov	dword edx, screeninfo_saved
	int	byte  0x80
	test	dword [fb_state], FB_COLORMAP_SAVED
	jz	short .skip_colormap
	mov	dword eax, SYS_IOCTL
	mov	dword ebx, [fb_handle]
	mov	dword ecx, FBIOPUTCMAP
	mov	dword edx, colormap_saved
	int	byte  0x80
	test	dword [fb_state], FB_KDMODE_SAVED
	jz	short .skip_kdmode
	mov	dword eax, SYS_IOCTL
	mov	dword ebx, STDIN
	mov	dword ecx, KDSETMODE
	mov	dword edx, [fb_kdmode]
	int	byte  0x80

;* fb_error
section .text
	call	near  fb_restore
	xor	dword eax, eax
	inc	dword eax
	mov	dword ebx, eax
	int	byte  0x80

;* fb_end
section .text
	call	near  fb_restore
	xor	dword eax, eax
	xor	dword ebx, ebx
	inc	dword eax
	int	byte  0x80
;*********************************************** *