;* written by Karsten Scheibler, 2003-DEC-08
global audio_start
;* some assign's
%assign SYS_READ 3
%assign SYS_WRITE 4
%assign SYS_OPEN 5
%assign SYS_IOCTL 54
%assign O_RDONLY 0
%assign O_RDWR 2
%assign SNDCTL_DSP_RESET 0x00005000
%assign SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED 0xc0045002
%assign SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT 0xc0045005
%assign AFMT_S16_LE 0x00000010
%assign SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS 0xc0045006
%assign AUDIO_DATA_SIZE 0x100000 ;1 MB
;* data
section .data
align 4
audio_handle: dd 0
ioctl_table: dd SNDCTL_DSP_RESET, 0
section .bss
alignb 4
audio_data: resb AUDIO_DATA_SIZE
;* audio_start
section .text
;open the device
mov dword eax, SYS_OPEN
mov dword ebx, .device
mov dword ecx, O_RDWR
int byte 0x80
test dword eax, eax
js near audio_error
mov dword [audio_handle], eax
;set the options: 44.1 kHz, mono, 16 Bit signed
xor dword ebp, ebp
mov dword eax, SYS_IOCTL
mov dword ebx, [audio_handle]
mov dword ecx, [ioctl_table + 8 * ebp]
lea dword edx, [ioctl_table + 8 * ebp + 4]
int byte 0x80
test dword eax, eax
js near audio_error
inc dword ebp
cmp dword ebp, byte 4
jb short .do_ioctl
;output something very simple (sawtooth waveform)
;not recommended: write every single sample like here
mov dword esi, 0x40000
xor dword ebp, ebp
mov word [audio_data], bp
mov dword eax, SYS_WRITE
mov dword ebx, [audio_handle]
mov dword ecx, audio_data
mov dword edx, 2
int byte 0x80
test dword eax, eax
js near audio_error
add dword ebp, 0x0100
dec dword esi
jnz short .loop
;open a raw audio file
;format should be 44.1 kHz, stereo, 16 Bit signed
mov dword eax, SYS_OPEN
mov dword ebx, .file
mov dword ecx, O_RDONLY
int byte 0x80
mov dword ebx, eax
test dword eax, eax
js short audio_error
mov dword eax, SYS_READ
mov dword ecx, audio_data
mov dword edx, AUDIO_DATA_SIZE
int byte 0x80
test dword eax, eax
js short audio_error
;set output to stereo
lea dword ebp, [ioctl_table + 4 * 6]
mov dword eax, SYS_IOCTL
mov dword ebx, [audio_handle]
mov dword ecx, SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS
mov dword [ebp], 2
mov dword edx, ebp
int byte 0x80
test dword eax, eax
js short audio_error
;dump it to the audio device
mov dword eax, SYS_WRITE
mov dword ebx, [audio_handle]
mov dword ecx, audio_data
mov dword edx, AUDIO_DATA_SIZE
int byte 0x80
test dword eax, eax
js short audio_error
;exit nicely
jmp short audio_end
.device: db "/dev/dsp", 0
.file: db "audio.raw", 0
;* audio_error
section .text
xor dword eax, eax
inc dword eax
mov dword ebx, eax
int byte 0x80
;* audio_end
section .text
xor dword eax, eax
xor dword ebx, ebx
inc dword eax
int byte 0x80
;*********************************************** linuxassembly@unusedino.de *